Filleule des Fées

Legal notice

Company information

This website and all related rights are the property of SAS Filleule des Fées :

Address: 112 Hent er Baradouiz, Trébihan, 56440 Languidic

Siret number: 88248808300016 (company headquarters)

Intracommunity VAT number: FR96882488083

Registry: RCS Lorient

Legal form: Simplified joint stock company (SAS)

Date of registration: 01/03/2020

Publication manager: Denis Mazerolle

Technical service provider (host): the website is hosted by Nuxit SAS, 130 AV DU PRESIDENT WILSON 93100 MONTREUIL, France.

Protection of personal data

All the data you give us is used to process your orders and will under no circumstances be reused outside our company or distributed to anyone else. In accordance with the French Data Protection Act no. 78-17 of 6 January 1978, you have the right to access, consult, modify, rectify or delete the data you have provided to us by contacting our Customer Service department.

Use of cookies

When you visit our website, cookies are placed on your computer, mobile phone or tablet.

Our site is designed to be particularly attentive to the needs and expectations of our customers. This is one of the reasons why we use cookies, for example to identify you, access your account and manage your shopping basket.

Intellectual property rights

This website and all related rights are the property of S.A.S. Filleule des Fées. Any reproduction, in whole or in part, is subject to the authorisation of the owners. However, hypertext links to the site are authorised without specific request.


Design and production: Fabienne Fong Yan & Boris Depenweiler

This online shop was created using WordPress software.

Last update : 12-09-2024

Copyright SAS Filleule des Fées

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