Filleule des Fées

Learn how to craft tea

White, Green & Black
Tea Crafting Course

During a 2-day course in the heart of the peaceful Blavet Valley in Brittany, come and learn more about tea. You’ll learn how to make three types of tea: white, green, and black.

These courses offer comprehensive practical and theoretical training in artisan tea-making, covering every stage from growing the tea bush to processing it into finished tea. Participants will learn to handle semi-manual equipment such as the tea wok, the withering/oxidation steamer, the rolling machine and the dehydrating kiln.

In order to optimise learning of the different techniques, the number of trainees is limited to 10.

Practical courses can only be booked by e-mail or by clicking on the button below.

Don’t hesitate to specify your French agricultural status if applicable: this training course may be covered by Vivéa.

Training dates for 2024

28-29 June 2024 – SOLD OUT

12-13 July 2024 (this date is not eligible for Vivéa funding) – SOLD OUT

19-20 July 2024 – SOLD OUT

We also offer practical training in how to make oolong tea (known as ‘blue tea’).

Feuilles de théiers dans un panier de récolte

Manual harvesting

Discover how the fresh leaves are picked by hand, with meticulous care to preserve the quality and freshness of the tea.

Flétrissement - Fixation au wok du thé vert

Shrivelling / Fixing

Learn about the different tea-making processes, including wilting for white tea, wok-fixing for green tea and controlled oxidation for black tea.

Roulage des feuilles de thé dans la préparation du thé vert


The tea-rolling stage must be carried out with precision to allow the leaves to release their unique aromas and flavours.

Dessication du thé dans l'atelier de fabrication du thé


The final drying of the tea leaves is carried out in a controlled way in a dehydrating oven, preserving their freshness and quality.

The course programme

Day 1
11am – 8pm

Processing techniques
Picking different cultivars
Making white tea
Making green tea
(traditional Chinese method)

Day 2
9am – 6pm

Visit to plantation N°2
Black tea making

Practical information


Filleule des Fées tea garden
Ecluse de Trébihan, 56440 Languidic

Meals & accommodation

Meals are not included but it is possible to have lunch on site.

We do not provide accommodation but can supply a list of accommodation in the Lorient area on request.

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